Originally Posted by indigo
Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
... she's a kid with a peer reviewed publication under her belt already in STEM, etc. etc.
Would you outline the steps in the process or point to a link with the resources, contacts, etc that a kiddo would need to have their research peer-reviewed and published? Thanks!

"Peer-review" is embedded in the publication (and granting/funding) process in STEM.

As apm notes-- it's complicated in some ways and deceptively simple-seeming in others.

This is why my post is only going to offer two distinct steps-- which are going to be the most appropriate for any PG student, just as they are for graduate students who are ready to undertake serious research:

1. Work with a faculty member who is affiliated with a research institution or organization.

2. Be mentored in that setting.

Honestly, even PG kids aren't really in a position to DIY this one; there's too much to the process at the pro-level.

This is part of training in STEM-- being mentored about the way that the system works, that is. It's essential to make sure that you understand how the peer-review process works (or doesn't-- and when there are pitfalls, they may well only be obvious to those with significant savvy about that system within the particular niche/subdiscipline)-- and how to leverage that system to get funding to continue research. It's not really about the publications, so much-- it's about the fact that conducting research in STEM is generally quite an expensive proposition to begin with, and it has to be self-sustaining.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.