I'm agonizing over this decision. I don't want to pass up immersion or the gifted program. I'm absolutely sure we are not the only parents in this position and I imagine they have set the deadline pre-results to ensure our commitment to immersion over gifted services (though I could be wrong).

Well, my DD is one of the shockingly gifted types... BUT-- it wasn't terribly, terribly obvious when she was four. Honestly, if you met her NOW (she's 14) you would probably just think that she was a fairly bright and pleasant 16yo. Unless she wanted you to see behind the screen, I mean. THEN you'd know that she's a kid with a peer reviewed publication under her belt already in STEM, etc. etc. My point is, she is considerably more like your younger child than your older one-- but that isn't because of her ability, but because of her personality. She's an intrinsically motivated social chameleon. Even profoundly gifted children come in this variety.

I hope you don't mind if I offer a few observations here.

The first is that telling well-prepped kids at IQ 125 from non-prepped ones at 145 might be difficult at 2-7yo, but trust me when I say that by middle school, YOU KNOW. It becomes glaringly obvious, even in children who are "pleasers" by nature and tend to blend into their surroundings. They always have these "tells" that give you brief glimpses into an intellect that doesn't match the surroundings. It's hard to say what those look like, but they are definitely moments that give adults double-takes.

1. Many parents of highly gifted children find that the challenge of a GREAT immersion program makes up for a world of sins in a "gifted" program, particularly one which is in any way lackluster or more about TigerParenting/high-achievement rather than gifted needs.

2. Gifted programs are most definitely NOT all created equal-- what is actually meant by "out of this world?" And how many kids do you know in it? what are they like? More like your oldest? Or your youngest? Given your description-- I'd think VERY carefully about whether or not the gifted program is about GIFTED children, or is it about parents of high-achieving children-- now, either way it might be a good fit for your own kids, it's just that it changes the set of parameters.

3. Are you open to having one child in EACH program? I ask because a "high achiever" gifted program sounds like it may NOT be a good fit for your younger child.

4. Can you reapply to immersion in another year for one/both children if you're wrong about the gifted placement/program?

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.