ultra, my dd who I mentioned above could have easily handled that type of time commitment in K, as well as the competition aspect. I think so much depends on the personality of the child - my dd is passionate about whatever she's passionate about and she throws her full self into it. She also likes to be busy, and she likes to compete. OTOH, not placing in a competition also doesn't bother her, she just goes from wherever she lands and works to improve.
One way to look at it might be, if you worked (I am not sure if you do? this is just a hypothetical example)... but if a parent works during the day, they often have to leave their child at after-school care for 2 or more hours until they can pick them up. It's probably not the ideal thing for some kids, but most kids I know handle that a-ok, even in K-1. Is spending 3 days a week after school playing organized chess that much different in terms of time out of a child's week? The main difference would be it's organized and focused and a learning experience... plus most likely a lot of fun for your ds

So from that perspective, I wouldn't worry too much about it. When I *would* worry is if it became so all-consuming that he's practicing constantly at home and refusing to do other things like play/exercise/enjoy just hanging out with your family etc. (and... I wouldn't spring for anything that financially is a strain either.. which I have no idea about chess, but sports can get to be pricey as kids get more involved).
Best wishes,