Originally Posted by moomin
I'm also somewhat cranky because the interventions that the neuropsych recommended after the first evaluation were based on the premise that "more" was better, and that the services that she received would do no harm. In some cases that proved to be very wrong. The "behavioral" interventions made things much worse, leading DD to become increasingly oppositional and occasionally violent. The OT did nothing whatsoever for her. CBT basically turned into social hour between her and the psychiatrist. And the social skills classes simply made her MORE anxious (because they reenforced her perception that 5-6 year olds are socially capricious and therefore frightening).
I didn't read this before I posted. Sounds like there is no reason to want to keep a relationship with this doctor. If his interventions made things worse, then I would just say no. And if you have future problems find someone else to help you.