This is kind-of interesting to me because when I first had my DS evaluated I was unhappy with the results and did not believe it was a true picture of DS abilities AND challenges (I was suspecting learning disorder), I immediately inquired about re-evaluated in a year/year and half and that particular place/doctor was completely against it. Of course, it ended u being more than okay because as I researched and learned, etc. I realized the place I had taken him to was simply not a good fit/place and not knowledgeable enough to be able to help with DS. But I just remember how they acted when I brought up the issue of re-evaluating etc. Anyway, weird. Biu perhaps it was my position that they were missing something and/or misdiagnosing that was behind that - they were perhaps simply reacting defensively...

Last edited by Irena; 03/18/14 09:06 AM.