I am one of the founders of this school, and will briefly clarify a few points:

For math, we plan to have 5 or more classes running simultaneously at different levels, covering similar topics. For example, a child may be strong with geometry and she will take a fairly advanced class, but may be weaker in number theory and work at a more elementary level. The classes will be intensive, but in fairly short blocks. This allows for a very customized experience. Our goal is not to waste students' time!

Re "talent" vs. "passion," neither of these terms are completely objectively definable. We are not interested in acceleration or precocity for their own sake, but recognize that both will be present in many of our students, and we will be fully able to handle this (our hiring will be extremely selective). However, the most important of these two words is "passion," since what will matter, in the long run, is an internally-motivated desire to spend lots and lots of time thinking about math. A somewhat less-talented student who really wants to spend 2.5 hours a day may go further than a more-talented student who is less keen to work hard.