The conference went really well. I think I'm in love with DS's teacher, she seems fabulous! She gave many specific examples of things he does in class, which showed me that she is coming to better understand his abilities. I was able to respond with examples from home that I thought showcased what he knows as well.

Here's what I thought helped the most:

* I took some time to learn more about the normal progression of Montessori lessons, which I feel helped because I understood more of her "jargon" (for lack of a better word) and asked more directed questions that extended the conversation.

* Before the conference, I came up with a few anecdotes that revealed his abilities in both math and reading. I made sure these stories showed problem-solving skills, not just rote memorization (e.g., independently counting by tens to determine a quantity, not just memorizing the sequence). Since I had these ready, I was able to work a few into the conversation naturally.

* I used some of the Montessori terminology in my phrasing.

She really seems to be a wonderful, compassionate teacher, and I feel lucky that we have her... especially since we don't really have any other options at this point. It's fortunate that our only option seems to be a really great one!

Last edited by KathrynH; 03/13/14 09:35 AM. Reason: I can't write HTML