Thanks. It's nice to know that there might be a light at the end of the tunnel. Wouldn't it be great if she could outgrow all these issues and be able to participate in a PhD program one day? Right now it's just about impossible to imagine.

They use a lot of visuals and manipulatives in school but with fine motor and visual processing issues they aren't always successful either. They tried Touch Math for a while but no one seems to really like it much. Yes, a calculator and extra time are essential. Unfortunately we have had people who have no clue but are sure that they are experts make comments to her about using the calculator so now she seems to feel like she is doing something wrong. Not good for a kid who is a real rule follower and who doesn't want to ever do anything wrong or get in trouble.

I will have to check out Soroban. The color idea is interesting but not sure it would work with DD. Might be another layer of stuff to process through her working memory.

Songs seem to be very effective with her. After more than a year of being totally stuck unable to recognize coins or remember their values it all unlocked when she heard a song about them. Now she plays a coin app for fun. Does anyone know a good math facts song? I would think they may have been common in the old days when early school years were more fun, more play based.