Well, this will certainly fix some of THAT.

Because now colleges will be fully justified in going back to SES-loaded application line items, rather than the (previously) g-loaded standardized testing that was "so unfair" to so many merely average kids of higher SES.

Pretty sure that isn't going to make it so that more low-income students wind up at Ivies, though that may not really have been the point in the first place.

My prediction on the "what next" here is that we're probably at the event horizon for a national exit exam within the next ten years (naturally, offered by the College Board... I'd be AMAZED if this isn't part of long-range strategy, frankly, and if I were ACT, I'd be worried about market share with Coleman running CB right now given his ties to the DoEd and CCSS) and then more recentering once it becomes apparent that, well, high school students aren't doing so hot on it as a whole.

But I'm so very cynical about this at this point. tired

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.