Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
But it is their adult insight and experience that is talking and creating the illusion that the math is deep. Children cannot make the connections the adults are making who already have the experience and knowledge of mathematics.

I've bemoaned EXACTLY this thing-- it's not really reasonable to expect autodidactism from students who have no foundation (yet) to even tie things to.

Administrators and teachers seem almost willfully stupid about this. I mean, it COULD work-- if 9 year olds had the life experience and background of 25 year olds who have already "learned" this material before, or seen many, many real world applications of it over a long period of time. But 9yo children don't have that.

So Everyday Math is the equivalent of Whole Word Reading. The concept of that being that adults read whole words without sounding them out, therefore phonics is unnecessary.