KCMI - He just turned 8 in Jan. so I guess he is in the middle? I think the teacher meant for academics. She said that almost nothing they have done in math has challenged him yet.

I will ask the teacher about this since I don't observe him in school. I'm so unsure about how to address fidgeting, etc. in school. For example, I know he would like to sit on a bouncy ball at the computer but I can totally see him bouncing all over the room or crazy bouncing in place unable to help himself and causing trouble.

Avoidance behavior was not brought up in OT - she mainly focused on the physical issues like strength and coordination, not so much the other behaviors. He doesn't avoid anything other than something he perceives is going to be "too hard" (like some of the VT activities).

I don't know if they have gifted IEPs - I will look into that for sure.

Madoosa - I would love to homeschool but my husband and I both work full time and I don't see financially how we could do it. We moved to go to this school so we will work with them and hopefully find a path for DS that works. If not, I don't know what we will do.

Mom to 2 kiddos - DS 9 with SPD and visual processing issues and DD 6 who is NT