I'm un/homeschooling my ds8 with a similar profile - born with/ visual processing issues, sensory issues, very scattered at times, etc. He's been in two gifted schools, but neither one could really accommodate him. My son is in vt again now. He was in ot for 5 years, including many years at a sensory gym. Been debating about bringing him back to ot privately, but at the moment I've been able to deal with the sensory issues.

The Biel's books are quite good. Fidget tools might help with the impulsivity. You could pick up a dryer ball (which would normally go in a dryer for clothes) and use it as an emergency one.

I don't know what your options are with schooling, but I would try to assess whether these behaviors are related to psychosomatic conditions and a poor educational fit or sensory issues or something else. Do you know if he's being challenged appropriately or not, for instance? I'm not entirely convinced that the behaviors are sensory related. How recent are the behaviors? Has he always exhibited the disengagement with school? If not, then there might be something else going on.