I would do a few things:

1. Assess for a grade skip. Is he an old 8 or young 8? I only ask because my DDs didnt turn 8 until Fall of 3rd and they skipped K….but were age placed for our current state (complicated story). The IOWA acceleration scale may be helpful.

2. You state the teacher has not routine made so many accommodations, is that for academic or SPD/VT or both?

3. I would address the SPD stuff (fidgets, touching, etc). I have a DD that has SPD and she gets 'fitgety' when her sensory needs are not being meet- regardless of if she knows the material or not. See if he has certain times of day, subjects, or activities that seem to be more difficult than others and then determine if it because he knows the material or for whatever reason (time, activity, presentation) it triggers VT/SPD.

4. Work with the school on math/science acceleration- see if that helps alleviate some of the concerns.

An IEP is not so complicated and often can provide extra support. Does your state have GIEPS? Often, sensory as a stand alone will not work as an IEP because it is not official in the DSMV manual of diagnosable disabilities but it may be able to be tagged on to visual processing and/or other areas.

You stated he had OT….could some of the behaviors also be avoidance? I know my DD did all sorts of things to avoid writing when she was younger…

Just some ideas. Good Luck! Sounds like you have a good school that is really trying to work things our for your DS to be successful!