I feel your pain.

DD missed four points in completing her "health" class (required for graduation) this term.


Three were because of badly written questions (one of which is unmistakably verifiably WRONG) and the other was because she was just plain reading too fast. She completed the entire class in just three days.

Four points. Have I mentioned that?

This was sufficient to drop her grade from an A+ to an A in this course. Really not kidding.

So yeah-- I have this total hate-hate relationship with the school over this kind of thing.

If they supply work, it needs to be of high enough quality that the assessment grades are, you know-- meaningful. Because otherwise, it triggers the very WORST kind of perfectionism, which is why I am so not saying anything about that + to my DD. She cringes every time she sees it. This is not not not good news for a perfectionist. The math woes (which I've complained about lately) have only added to the problems of late.



Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.