Hi All,

I am new to here and I start thinking that my son my be gifted.
For example
1. know about shapes, colors, alphabet, read 50 Chinese words, counting object one by one from 0-7, know directions before 21m,
2. know 0-100, spells some words (e.g. stop, egg, fan) at 26m
3.spell his name, mommy, open, start, etc, count objects from 0-30, read clocks in hour by 27m
4. start doing simple additions in 30m
5. he is 32m now and he can follow some simple steps of lego's menu to build a plane(not duplo), he can write numbers and draw a human like object

He is not that gifted that know many things before 18m, but he is still a bit advance now. He is very into shape and numbers that he know how many sides and angles of each shapes and know the name of the polygon to 19 sides (he memorized the name of polygon of sides 4-14 and then after we tell him that a 15sides polygon is called penta-deca-gon, he deduced the name of 16sides as hexa-deca-gon when he was 2)

As he skip his napped when he was 22m old, i start bring him to some mommy and me preschool class, he like the one with sth to teach (e.g. ABC phonics, some sequencing toys) and lots of art works and musics. He loves doing art work and the musics time. Then when he was 30m old, I add another parent co-op preschool class for him (so 2 half day for the 1st mommy and me class and 2 half day for parent co-op preschool) This one is also play based, that there is 1hr indoor free play time and 1hr outdoor free play time with some simple art works. He tell me he like the mommy and me class but not the parent co-op one. I am thinking may be the toys is not the type he likes (as nothing involve math)

In addition, my son has some mild sensitive issue that he is over sensitive to noise, light, touch.

He did play well with his friends when he was 18m-24m (basically, he follow what his friend do, e.g. playing car and play shape sorter together, even he doesn't like to play car at all, and he do play pretend play like cooking when his friends play it) but now, when he meet his friends, he doesn't join any activities they do, even he like his friends and still mention about them at home. I am so worry about his social skill (he doesn't have any aggressive behavior, but has avoidance behaviors sometimes)

I am thinking to let him start preschool when he turn 3yrs3m in Sept, but I am trying so hard to find a right preschool for him. I prefer play based but finally find that it is hard for him to fit in, as he like a lot of wooden and sense toys like the Montessori style. However, most Montessori school is not "warm" enough, so it is so hard for me to find a preschool for him. Do any of you have experience like me?

Oh I have written a lot already, I would like to know is there some kid's development just like my son, and hope that any of you can share your experience too. Thanks a lot for reading and sorry for my poor english. ^-^