Hi again, folks!

I can't thank you enough for your kind, thoughtful replies!

When I started this thread, we had not yet talked to DS13 about the grade skip issue. My husband and I wanted to be sure that we had fully grasped the situation before attempting to sit down with DS for an in-depth discussion. Since then, we have talked with our son at length about the possibility of a grade skip and he is THRILLED! He shared even more feelings about his frustration level with constantly repeating assignments in 7th grade. He also mentioned that he really isn't learning anything--at all! He is eager to make some changes. He is interested in visiting the high school in order to shadow one of the current 9th grade gifted kids for the day. He would really like to see just what a day in the high school is like!

At this point, he is leaning toward a partial promotion, as he would like to have the opportunity to see his current friends. (Remember that a complete skip would mean that he would move to high school, while his current group of friends would remain back in middle school.) His Gifted teacher mapped out tentative schedules for both scenarios, and we are just weighing our options right now.

Indigo, thank you so much for the informative links! I feel much better simply by reading those positive stories of grade skipping. DS plays hockey and is a terrific trumpet player in the band, so he would definitely have the opportunity to see old friends and make new ones, regardless of the decision we make. You are correct in saying that the school is showing a great deal of flexibility! I am actually shocked that this has happened! They tend to be extremely conservative.

Puffin, you make a terrific point. No--I would have been miserable without the grade skip. I know it was for the best, but I do not want my son to go through such a difficult experience. However, I keep reminding myself that he is much older and has coping skills that are far more advanced than I had. I just hope we do the right thing!

Jtooit, thank you so much for sharing your son's story! I am so glad he has a successful experience! I am pleased that my son seems very excited about having some high school options. We continue to discuss full vs. partial promotion. I think we need to visit the high school and have some discussions about scheduling possibilities to make our final decision. In the end, it will be up to DS. He is the one who has to live with it, after all! The school has assured us that he will take all AP classes in high school. I will get firm confirmation about this, though. You are correct--jumping to regular classes won't help DS at all. Currently, in 7th grade, he is taking 4 accelerated classes (science, reading, english, math). He is comfortable with a heavy workload and says he would definitely welcome the chance to actually learn something rather than just doing busywork.

HowlerKarma, I am so glad you shared the story of your daughter's experience! It is comforting to hear that you were able to deviate from your daughter's original plan when it no longer fit. Hang in there! The end of high school is near and the light at the end of her tunnel is in sight! Our school tells us that they will be flexible for DS. They will promote as DS wishes (either full or partial), and re-evaluate as needed. They assured us that he could do a partial skip now and a full one in years to come. I do hope they are telling the truth! Funny that you mentioned local universities...DS has worked with two nearby programs. One is a university based program for gifted kids. He did a terrific robotics program there! At the other university, he was able to participate with kids 3 or 4 years older in a chemistry program that was just fantastic. We need to find a way to do more of those activities. DS learns far more there than in a regular science class. What a wonderful experience your daughter had in her summer program! And a publication is like icing on the cake!

Again, thank you all so much for your support and input. You have given me a many wonderful tips and a great deal of comforting information. I will come back and update or add questions as they arise. We have many details to handle before the plan is in place!

Last edited by jellyb; 02/14/14 06:55 PM.