Jellyb, we completed my DD's final gradeskip in the same kind of graduated fashion that Jtooit mentions.

In other words, she was "officially" not skipped-- but we had a 5y plan for high school that we (meaning we, she, and the school) had devised in 7th grade.

Well, plans change, though-- midway through her 9th grade year (her second in HS classes, recall), she simply couldn't take any more-- again.

So we officially "skipped" her from the end of her 9th grade year into 11th grade the following fall when she was 13. We realized at that point that getting her OUT of high school sooner was the only thing positive that we can do for her.

Yes, she'd been gradeskipped into 3rd upon entry at 6yo, but it was not enough in the end.

Honestly, she is (now 14) very eager to be in college right now, and is only tolerating this year of high school (including AP coursework) because she can see the end of the line. Two or three more years of this she COULD not do. I believe that.

Yes, also, to honors placement. At least. GT kids will have so little in common with classmates in "regular" classes that the social aspects will be far more pronounced than they'd otherwise be.

Also-- look into summer camps and internships for STEM. Many universities run such programs, and they are WELL worth doing for HG kids with those interests. Best thing that my DD has ever experienced was a university level internship the summer she turned 13. She got a publication out of that summer, but what was even MORE valuable was the experience of seeing for herself that it wouldn't ALWAYS be so dull and mind-numbing, the way school is for her.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.