Welcome. smile

I think I am beginning to accept that parenting a child whose cognitive development is accelerated can be a lonely process. I am fortunate that I have a couple of friends whose gifted children are much older so they can share their experiences but still, I was getting quite anxious right around when DD was 2.5 and that is when I found this forum.

When well-meaning friends have told me I need to let DD play instead of doing educational activities, I felt really misunderstood but I didn't want to explain because no matter how I had put it, I would have come across as saying that DD is so out there that at age 2, she did not need instructions to learn 2nd grade materials. So I kept quiet but DD didn't. It wasn't as if I could keep her mute in public so slowly, lecturing has stopped.

Now at 3.5, she is much more into play than in the past. I think she was driven to acquire basic literacy and math competency because she could see that those were important life skills. Now, on surface, she seems like a "normal" 3 year old girl who happens to have mad LEGO building skills and loves using big words.

DD has been doing ballet for a year in a class meant for older children. Thankfully(?), she is not a very good ballet dancer. She is learning humility and getting used to being an "average" student in that context. She seems to be a talented musician but she actually needs instruction and practice to progress; she has cried a few times out of frustration but she is determined to succeed. Both her father and I are quite proud of her for accepting that not everything in life is going to come to her without effort.

I am still concerned and do worry about our educational options and her socialization opportunities but I am less anxious these days and the support I found on this forum is largely responsible for that. I too hope you stick around. smile