Originally Posted by Val
Originally Posted by 1frugalmom
[1frugalmom's painful description]

Wait. Is Pearson claiming that this stuff is the Common Core????

Oh yea, all our students get to see of CCSS is through the eyes of the gawd-awful Pearson curriculum the school district powers that be chose (after careful, stringent examination I'm sure). I think getting laptops for every student in grades 3-12 is great. I think CCSS, if done even remotely well, can be great (for the most part). But telling us what the program can do then finding out that was a lie, or maybe there was never a plan to allow the program to work that way in the first place, is down right cruel for us that really had our hopes up. DD9 was in tears just yesterday because she is back to hating school. We haven't heard that since our horrible 1st grade year.

I know we have strayed a bit off topic (sorry about that) and I know we have had other posts about Pearson's enVision math, but my biggest complaints with our current curriculum stem from this one specific program. See for yourselves - http://www.mypearsontraining.com/products/envisionmath/2012/tutorials.asp?page=faqs

ruazkaz - be forewarned that once your school does figure out what to do with their new technology it does not include a crappy curriculum