Originally Posted by 1frugalmom
I know we have strayed a bit off topic (sorry about that) and I know we have had other posts about Pearson's enVision math, but my biggest complaints with our current curriculum stem from this one specific program.See for yourselves - http://www.mypearsontraining.com/products/envisionmath/2012/tutorials.asp?page=faqs

Well, it's a technology-based curriculum, so I think it meshes well with this thread.

As for Pearson:

Originally Posted by Pearson Model Lesson
Find Tools4Math within Pearson SuccessNet in the enVisionMATH Premium Digital System.

I suspect the quality of a curriculum is inversely proportional to the number of out-of-place cAPital lEtterS and rand0m NumB3rs in its title.

How long did a marketing guru (see below) labor over this tradmarketable masterpiece? And how much did they pay him? And how much did it cost to pay for all those committee meetings so that everyone could discuss the relative merits enVision, ENvision, and EnvisioN so as to maximize Pearson's market impact at this critical juncture?

Or maybe they were really just enVi$ioning their bonuses. But perhaps I am too cynical.

Originally Posted by Pearson enVisionMATH
Introduction to the Eleven Tools

Hmm. This sounds like some kind of new internet religion they're trying to sell me, complete with

  • Ten-Frames
  • Fraction Circles
  • Model lessons, as noted above
  • Transformations

    and, of course
  • Money

Again, perhaps I am being overly cynical. Perhaps I should work harder at finding a path to enLightenM3nt via the Eleven Tools (tm). Maybe the path is polygonal. Maybe I should follow all it points and click my way to bli$$ Bliss.

Maybe one of their marketing gurus will guide me if he has time between meetings.

I think I need a huG (tm).

Last edited by Val; 02/10/14 11:08 AM. Reason: (tm)