I have a friend with a first grader in the school mentioned above. He has Aspergers and pretty severe ADHD. He is pulled out for speech a few times per month for 20 min. and also sees the school psych a few times a month. And the special ed teacher was pulling him (not sure how often--once per week?) but all he did was social stories on the ipad with him. No social skills group or anything of the like. Does that sound completely inappropriate considering he has Aspergers? His behavior is so difficult he needs an aide for part of the school day, but that is just to control him.

This mom is so fed up but like most people, she doesn't know what the school should be doing. She's not on message boards or researching things. Every day the teacher gives her a bad behavior report after school. I think they have even paid out of pocket for things he has broken in the classroom.