Hi, Nebraskamom ~ For what's it worth … my DD, since around age 3 or so, could also play by ear instantly … my DS at that age, also had that ability. My other son, could hear a piece by Mozart or whoever, and pick out all the instruments. He was younger than one. He also had calendar ability, almost like a savant would. Fast forward …. DS16 lost his calendar ability and doesn't even remember ever doing it in the first place. First chair violin, state pianist, gifted athlete, and great at math. He works very hard in these areas, and it doesn't come naturally. Now that my daughter is 8, she is composing piano songs daily. Writing, singing, and playing comes naturally for her. She is extremely passionate about about her music and her talent wins awards, but is she a prodigy? No. DS13 still has the ability to play by ear and is a very good pianist, but would rather do other things. He's not obsessed with it as he was when he was younger. I guess what I'm trying to say, is that when they were younger, they all had talent in areas that may have looked like something "special" to a non-giftie. To us, it was no big deal. They were just doing what they loved at that certain time