22B... it was NUTS!

we were in charge of teacher gifts (collecting money/deciding on the gift/presenting it), organizing fundraising, apparently going on all field trips (which NO ONE told me about - and i work, so... that was amazingly convenient,) sending all email communications from the admin/teachers (and fielding questions) about uniforms/homework packets/event RSVPs & reminders to show up/early dismissal days/workshop signups/etc. we had to attend a three-hour meeting once a month (during business hours, also awesome!) to get a briefing on school things and present any "class issues" to the SuperMom Overlords - i mean, the Mom Co-Ordinators.

and ha, daytripper75! honestly, the level of entitlement was surreal.

Every Sunday it brooded and lay on the floor. Inconveniently close to the drawing-room door.