If you want to actually understand his [James W. Loewen's] perspective, you're better off reading the book...
His perspective is also indicated on his open public facebook page.

It is often beneficial to consider both sides. To that end, it is often better to share information others may not have, rather than to attempt to discredit or undermine the information or authentic experiences of another. In sharing information, we can realize that it may be interpreted differently by each person through the filter of their own personal experiences... we can agree to disagree about the conclusions each comes to.

In many works, the lack of (or scant) bibliography, citation, or reference to source documents, possibly substituting opinion/conclusion/inference of motivation, rather than a balanced view, may shortchange the development of our students' analytical and critical thinking. This may also occur in the media, as evidenced anecdotally by several local families from other countries stating that they prefer to get their news from non-US-media sources.

For current events of-the-moment, there are many resources popping up on the life and times of Nelson Mandela since his recent passing.

As another possible resource source, the Davidson database has compiled a collection of parent-recommended resources, including this page of Social Studies resources which may be of interest to the OP's child and others. (link- http://www.davidsongifted.org/db/browse_resources_149.aspx)

The author of several wonderful books on the topic of Social Thinking, Michelle Garcia Winner, was born to a father who is also an author; He has written of his experiences in Auschwitz, Auschwitz.