Originally Posted by polarbear
... history, culture, current affairs...
While neither a text book nor a video series, here are some popular titles in history and current events which may help spark student interest. They will not teach to the test.
I am Malala, http://www.amazon.com/Am-Malala-Stood-Education-Taliban/dp/0316322407
A Long Way Gone, Memoirs of a boy soldier, http://www.amazon.com/Long-Way-Gone-Memoirs-Soldier/dp/0374531269
Night, http://www.amazon.com/Night-Elie-Wiesel/dp/0374500010/

When viewing these books on amazon, titles of other books with similar themes are presented. There is a cruel reality to the lives of many children, and these books contain mature themes. Yet a student seeking purpose in the study of history and social studies may find these books engaging and emerge with a new appreciation of things previously taken for granted, as well as a resolve to reach out and help others... essentially influencing what may be written in new chapters of world history.