Originally Posted by KADmom
Some may say that the US States to the left of the graph in figure 1 (lower performing than the US average) might want to investigate what the US States to the right of the graph (high performing) are doing differently and determine whether adopting or adapting those practices may help their students' educational gains and test performance.

Some may say that 47 of the US States performing above TIMSS average for Science (as shown in figure 4) is pretty respectable.

Personally I am wondering how many US kids in the low and below low may have great untapped potential... gifted kids turned off by the system, tuned out, and at risk of dropping out.

In reading the article's comments, some may say that A. Hairyhanded Gent shared an authentic account which is both insightful and indicative of the history and possible steps toward solutions.

Lastly, some may say it is not enough for the children of a State or a Country be well-educated. Because none of us choose our origins: our family, nationality, IQ, and more are mere circumstances of birth, pure chance... I commend all outreach efforts to assist/encourage each and every person attain more of their potential... empowering them to help others.