My ds8 is in Spanish immersion. I kinda know he won't be bilingual/biliterate by the time he finishes 5th grade. Many reasons have contributed to that...he didn't start in K but in 1st instead because I didn't know about it. He skipped 3rd so there is another year he missed and the last factor is that he has no one to practice his Spanish with at home. The kids he plays with won't speak Spanish to him...only want to speak English.

So he has great pronunciation, he can read the words at grade level and maybe a bit above...but his comprehension lags behind and he has kinda given up because it is hard. He muscles through everything and does a good job but I don't think he will be bilingual in a year and a half unless we summered in Costa Rica or something this summer.

...reading is pleasure, not just something teachers make you do in school.~B. Cleary