Just wanted to give a quick update about our parent teacher conference. The advice and information you all offered was spot on.
The teacher and ECE agreed that DD was extremely advanced orally and that her reading level was beyond the kindergarten curriculum. They mentioned that we might want to think about enrolling her in French immersion for grade one. I just put that suggestion aside for now as I'm really not sure what to do about that.
They did mention that her writing output was no where near her reading/verbal skills and that she needs to work on her writing grip - they said that she's actually on target for a four year old but when compared with her verbal abilities she should be able to produce more. I think that is the definition of asynchronous development, no?
They also mentioned that differentiation in the class was completely possible at this point but that things will probably change in grade one. Right now even though DD continues to say that she doesn't learn anything in school, she is happy attending kindergarten due to the social aspect of it.
We are ok for now, but I sense that there may be issues once she enters grade one or even sooner, as kindergarten is a two year program here. Thanks again for your help. I'm so glad that there are other parents out there who can commiserate and don't think that I'm just a pushy, braggy parent!
Last edited by eyreapparent; 11/25/13 04:00 PM.