We've known since Lauren was 6months old that she was different than the average baby. She started talking at 6mos old. By 9mos she was putting 2 words together and by 1 year she was talking in sentences. At 18mos old I was told by a Doctor that Lauren was a savant. At that age Lauren could memorize and entire movie after watching it twice and she could sing at least 10+ songs beginning to end, also memorizing them after a couple times of hearing them. Now, at 5 years old, she can make us speechless with her intellect and reason. She started Kindergarten this school year at 4yrs old. In January we moved from CA to NV and her teacher felt she needed to be assessed. The results came back that Lauren tested at a 2nd grade level in all subjects, and is at a 4th grade level in reading. She's passed Kindergarten now, is currently in mid first grade and by the end of the school year she'll be starting 2nd grade work. (we have no skipped her..she does accelerated work). I have a meeting with her teacher today to find out what tests she was actually given and to get the results. Lauren has never been professionally tested and so I honestly have no idea what level she is. How did all of you go about finding out?