My youngest daughter is 8 and since the beginning this year she has stopped thriving. She's recently told us she doesn't want to go to school as she is afraid of the work. They get behavior warnings for not finishing. She has a processing issue and is borderline ADD. We are having toilet issues such as holding her poop in and not letting us wipe . I saw the pediatrician today and she wants us to see a child therapist. Maddy is so anxious it's affecting her whole life. She is very smart but school has been very difficult.
She often gets bullied and the girls are rather mean. We have had two meetings with the school and now we are demanding an IEP. She has frequent migraines due to stress and she is always worried. As her mom I am very worried about her and praying all will go well. It is nice to see I am not alone and I hope to learn some things here.