Lnl48 - I would recommend you don't go to "any old" therapist. I'm leary of those big-box type practices that churn out the diagnosis. When you interview them (as you should) try and get a feel for their understanding or respect of the sensory processing issues. Someone like an art therapist might be more likely to understand and work from this perspective. They often work with children who have been through trauma. At first i thought this didn't fit my DD but i called to ask about my DD and what the art therapist thought. The one my DD started seeing said that a child who has had a history of getting picked on and constant anxiety in school should be viewed as someone who has lived to learn with trauma - especially when these experiences are so fixed in early schooling and schools are not supportive (like punishment for not finishing etc.)
She also doesn't believe that thing you'll hear some school personnel say, "There is no bullying at our school".
Good luck.
Last edited by bzylzy; 03/13/13 11:13 AM.