My husband and I took Graham on a road trip for a family event this weekend...about a 4 hour car trip each way. Graham sat in the back seat with his calculator and his books and our chapter books and read or looked at his numbers. He watched all the numbers on the display in the front showing the disc and track numbers of the CD that was playing. For 4 hours. He was an angel. Maybe the numbers thing is a good thing!

Seriously though, thank you all so much for your thoughtful responses. I forwarded this thread on to my husband and asked him to read. We talked about your thoughts on this matter over the weekend and remarked to each other that the sense of community that exists now because of technology is truly amazing. An issue that would have kept me up at night (I'm a bit of an over thinker)doesn't, because of the ability to hear from those of you who have been here before. So thanks so much! I'm really going to get Graham around some older kids and I think I will try and think of ways to turn the counting/math into an aspect of a larger game...loved the "drive through window" story!
By the way, we had a wonderful weekend of family and swimming in the pool and picnicking and only a wee little bit of numbers. All in all a wonderful time.