My DS4 still doesn't play much with other kids his own age. As his preschool teacher reported, "He is starting to warm up to letting the other kids join him when he's doing an activity by himself." But he's a happy, well-adjusted kid, so I didn't worry much. I also noticed in early childhood classes that the girls tended to play with each other earlier than the boys.

re: obsession. DS4 is obsessed right now with tower defense type computer games. We have limited his computer time now, but everything else is related to it. If he draws a picture, it will be about the characters in the tower defense games. All lego creations are related to tower defense. When we were on the plane recently, he took his snack and created a tower defense game by sticking carrots into a bun. When we play outside, he creates tower defense mazes. If he can get an adult to talk with him (which he prefers), he'll tell them about tower defense. So, we're familiar with obsession. Since he's getting exercise and doing other fun kid stuff along with this obsession, we're not too worried. (Last year, the obsession was mini-golf.)

I would only worry if the obsession is interfering with the rest of normal childhood activities.

Last edited by st pauli girl; 05/28/08 09:14 AM. Reason: i don't really have a cockney accent