I can't say I'm disillusioned about the public school system, because that would mean I actually had illusions about it in the first place, and my mother taught me better than that.

For our particular school, I am reasonably positive. They have done many, many things for DS and are doing fine with DD. And we have taxed their ingenuity to great lengths, in some cases. The elementary school staff went out of their way (quite literally, hundreds of miles) to obtain training and knowledge that would help them to help DS in all of his 2E-ness. I don't see that happening with the middle school/high school, but we're still doing ok this year. So far, so good.

For American public schools in general, I don't see it going anywhere but downhill, and steadily. It is only getting worse as each succeeding generation of teachers and administrators comes up, having been educated themselves in the system that is failing. Steadily declining expectations, a society built around the fear of being sued for something, a culture built around the derision of intelligence, all run by increasing quantities of technology that make it unnecessary for anyone to know how anything works or how to do anything without it, these are a prescription for disaster.