I am sufficiently unimpressed that I'm working outside the existing system to create a private gifted school for my son (now just 2). It's already obvious that his needs will go unmet; I shudder to think of how my son would fare in a mainstream kindergarten given that he already seems to know what most 4-5 y/olds are expected to know curriculum-wise.

My husband and I both had inadequate support in the public school system.

I think the notion of a strong public school system is noble, and necessary for a strong, well-functioning country, but that our educational establishment's concept of "cohort" is what sours the experience for anyone far from the mean. I would love to see ability-based groupings, not age-groups, for all students. That, to me, is the only realistic way to ensure that all students' needs are met, at all points along the ability continuum.

What is to give light must endure burning.