I agree with a lot of what you all are saying. I am trying to stay optimistic. The letter was very flowery with a lot of patting themselves on the back and not a lot of substance. The start date should be next week. The teacher that should be working with him is planning on showing me what materials she wants to use.
When I asked about them not wanting to introduce much new content she stated that they were concerned that it would severely limit his opportunities to have learning experiences with his peers. He would probably exceed their offerings around 3rd grade. I asked about walking the 20ft to the middle school next door and was told that they don't do that.
Since I did not initiate this conversation/assessment I am willing to do a little wait and see. I will be asking the GT teacher to arrange more of a meeting for us to discuss this situation versus a quick show and tell. In fact I think I'll send that email tonight.
Are there any ideas you guys think i should run by them besides the possibility of subject acceleration and possibility of allowing an online math program such as EPGY or CTY?