DS6 is in 1st grade this year. Last year was a constant fight with the school trying to get them to assess DS and appropriately place him. I decided reading wasn't worth the fight at the time as he could read what he wanted at home and had some peers in his class. Math was a different story. They never came close to meeting his needs there. It was so very frustrating to watch him have to do stuff that he had been doing for quite some time. I had a meeting with the principal before the end of last year to let him know of my continuing concern and to suggest that DS be accelerated another grade in math. Working with the 2nd graders who are doing 3rd grade math might be a place to start. He listened, even wrote things down, but no acceleration was provided. DS is in a math group doing 2nd grade work and he got an awesome teacher as one of the co-teachers so I thought I would watch for a little until 3 days later I got the syllabus and it was all stuff they knew he knew last year. I let the teacher know that DS's one question he wanted me to ask at Back to School night was "Why is everything so easy?" which got the typical response of "we are aware of the issue and will differentiate as needed." to paraphrase. So this last week I've been working up the energy to start this fight all over again but yesterday they contacted me!! They said that they have decided that they "feel it would be best to explore different options for providing enrichment opportunities for DS in mathematics". They are going to have a joint GT/Math meeting next week to discuss how to proceed and will get back to me with the results. They even thanked me for my advocacy!

Could that possibly be the sun peaking out from behind the clouds?!?! Now to have the patience to wait for the meeting next week...

Last edited by Eibbed; 10/02/13 03:33 PM.