Originally Posted by cricket3
Now, it's possible that in NYC, the land where every kid is gifted, things are different

Remember that the exam high schools in NYC are notorious for giving entering freshmen this choice:

Pick two out of three for the next four years:

1. Academics
2. Friends
3. Sleep

You can't pick all three.

Originally Posted by cricket3
at least 2 of the courses she lists are technically 9th grade courses, which appear on the high school transcript and include Regents Exam finals (a statewide exam system here in Ny). ... Now, perhaps taking their charter school entrance exam and gaining a spot in this school suggests that these kids can handle acceleration. But to complain about the work, after seeking a spot in the school (and allowing his second daughter to do the same) seems problematic to me.

It isn't clear to me why rigor = more homework or why acceleration = more homework. The question isn't "Can the student learn the material?" The question is "Why does the student need to have so much homework?"