Thanks for all your thoughts! The meeting we attended (which I wasn't sure about until we got there) was for a 504- which is what the neuropsych and developmental optometrist told us to ask for. However 504 or not, I wanted/ want something in writing. I wanted the teacher to know that despite his above grade level achievement, he has this vision issue. He can not be compared to the child next to him. The only accommodations I wanted for ds was to use a bookmark when reading and be allowed breaks when doing worksheets or writing.

There were district people at the meeting. After reading the vision report, one even had the nerve to ask me if he really had double vision!

From speaking with the DO, she has never heard of schools not following her recommendations. However, she did say most are underachieving. She is appalled.

Supposedly, no one at school sees him struggling with his vision (although neither did I until I was looking for it). So, really the school sees it not as a problem and ds is dealing with it since he is so far above grade level. The principal is big on self- advocacy, so she wants me to encourage him to tell the teacher when he is feeling eye fatigue. I tried to discuss this with ds, but he started getting really anxious about it. Worrying that his teacher won't believe him or let him.

I personally think one of my son's coping techniques, is just to finish ASAP; so then he can rest- which thus far has been seen as "he races through his work".

I do need to think about what and how I want to speak with his teacher. And really how to get what he needs to have a successful year with appropriate learning opportunities.