Puffin- this made me smile- too funny. Schools would be psyched then, right? I was told since he is functioning way about grade level with high MAP scores too, then there is no reason to accommodate. It was even said that maybe he acts different at home. What? The tester saw significant vision problems, backed up be the Developmental Optometrist.

I was anxious that 2E would not be considered at our school. That appears to be the case. All the district wanted to talk about was how our private eval had no teacher input (bad teacher relationship at time of testing) and ds possibly having low frustration tolerance- (not a concern to us or teacher at this time).

As far gifted identification, they are willing to get the ball rolling and knows he needs this. (No kidding. We brought you scores.)

HappilyMom- I was frustrated. For now, I'm going to say positive about his teacher as she seems to like him.

Also, my husband said he felt like the lightbulb went off for a few in the room when I tried to explain the amount of mental energy it takes him to see. Hopefully, it really did.

Let the saga continue....