For verbal, her age percentile was 97 and grade percentile was 95, so they must be figuring in her younger age, but it seems like there should be a bigger gap than 2 percentiles, if most kids in her grade are 1 year older. So that makes me suspicious that they just lumped her in with the closest group they could find (for instance 7 1/2 year olds rather than kids who just turned 7). I can't prove that though unless there is some kind of percentile chart to reference. Now there is a new version of the CogAt, the CogAt 7, and I am curious if our district is going to adopt that and how it is the same or different. DS is going to have to deal with the CogAT as well, if we stay in this district. I can't see allowing DD to take it again, unless they agree to just give her the verbal section.
Sounds like kids would have to score in the 99.5 percentile to qualify for GATE without having the achievement test scores.