How frustrating for you! The CogAt is not timed per se, but at that age isn't it READ to them, so they in effect need to "keep up"? If they do not answer quickly, I believe the teacher/proctor goes on to read the next question? After her spring CogAt, DD mentioned lots of kids asking the teacher to repeat questions and otherwise making comments during the test - I got the impression that the teacher did NOT want to repeat questions. I also thought that I read somewhere that if there is enough of a disparity between subtest scores, the test results may be questionable. I believe, however, that this information is only available on certain score report formats (with an SAS for each subsection, which our district did not provide)- it was not on our CoGat score report, because parents only received percentiles scores, and then a composite. I actually would like the SAS subtest scores, because although DD had a 99% composite score, she has a 9(V+ Q-) profile and I'd like to know how significant the point difference is between her subtest scores. I suspect she may have hit a ceiling on the verbal portion, but that her quantitative was many points lower. I believe you need the SAS subtest scores for this, though, as the percentiles give a vague picture. This test sounds like it is trouble for many very, very bright children - I have been reading quite a bit trying to make heads-or-tails out of the limited information that has been shared with us - I hope that you have some success with your schools!
Last edited by Loy58; 09/18/13 12:03 PM.