Originally Posted by Grinity
Hi OrangeFish,
Question - does she know how to type?
What does she like to do for fun?
Does she (LOL) hyperfocus?

Thanks for your feedback and for your expertise/experience.

Yes, she does know how to type. She has typed up her own notes at home for projects she has done at school (science fair, "challenge" presentations, etc.).

For fun she likes to be creative. For the past two hours she has been leading her younger brother (age 4 1/2) in an elaborate "tour of Narnia" throughout the house. (We have been reading CS Lewis and saw Prince Caspian on Saturday. So that is a yes on the hyperfocus question!)

She also loves science/technology and was riveted by the Phoenix landing last night. Getting her head around the concept of a moving Earth and a moving Mars and a moving spacecraft over the last 10 months (the launch was on the day after her 6th birthday) kept her thinking and talking and pondering for a good hour or so.