totally go for it. you never know what your kid will latch on to and it's really, really major that kids have access to literary content that appeals to them while they're sorting out the learning-to-read part. audio books can be a really big help, too - but as far as stuff we're reading to her right now, DD5 is currently listening to two books:

Under Wildwood (Book 2 in a series by Colin Meloy/ read to her by her dad)
The Secret of Chimneys (Agatha Christie/ read to her by me - we're basically reading them all - works out to about one a week.)

and of course the Harry Potter series and Alice in Wonderland and the abridged Jane Austens and the Malory Towers series by Enid Blyton. endless fun - and she's reading basically all of those to herself now - the switch was strangely quick.

and ha, polarbear - we had a similar "favourite book" fiasco last year: The Magic of Reality by Richard Dawkins was what DD (then 4) told the class. she was literally obsessed with it, sketching things out of it and going over the chapters hundreds of times. apparently there's nothing like a little evolutionary biology to make teachers jump to all the wrong conclusions...

Every Sunday it brooded and lay on the floor. Inconveniently close to the drawing-room door.