Good morning! I love waking up to a lively discussion smile

My kids learned to read differently, but I don't know if that's correlated with LOG or not.

DD has loved books since she was an infant. I have a photo of her sitting in her bouncy seat looking at The Sneetches while Daddy read it to her when she was 5 days old. When DD was 3 she begged me to teach her to read. I had no idea that 3 yr olds could read, but I agreed to humor her. I taught her using phonics and she picked it up without a problem. By 4 she was reading easy readers. By 6 she was reading chapter books. By that time she was pretty much whole word reading.

DS was never into books as much as DD. But at 2 he was fascinated with a children's video called Letter Factory. He quickly memorized the whole video and learned the letter sounds that way. Then when he was 2 yr. 9 mos. I discovered that he could read words like CAT, DOG, etc. I was shocked! I assume that he picked it up from the video, from DD and from being read to. It really didn't occur to me to teach my two year old to read smile He seems to read mostly by word recognition. He really had to be prodded to sound out unfamiliar words, but he does that pretty well now.

As for me, I learned to read before going to K. I'm not sure how old I was but I remember my eureka moment. It really did come to me all at once when I was looking at a STOP sign. Suddenly, I read it and understood that it wasn't just a stop sign, it said STOP on it. I shouted out in the car, "Mommy! That sign says STOP!" She didn't understand what I meant, LOL. She thought I had just recognized the sign from its shape and color.