My gut says differently, but I can't point to anything specific to say why except my experiences.

I read when I was 3, and I can't remember not reading. It just always seemed to be part of me. DS7 seems much the same. He wanted to read before he could sit up by himself. We have a picture of him holding a book and examining it with intense interest when he was supported by a Boppy. He would bounce when he wanted us to turn the page because he wasn't coordinated to do it himself yet. He taught himself his letters when he was just a few months past 1yo. Reading seemed in his blood, and it was as if his body just had to catch up.

OTOH, DS4 isn't 100% sure of all his letters yet. He certainly isn't as interested, so maybe that's part of it, but it also just seems less natural, less a part of him.

He might be GT, too. He's very verbal and taught himself to write practically overnight, so my comparison may be flawed. But it does seem like there's a difference between my early reader and my not-early reader.

What do you think, Cathy?
