Hi -- Thanks everyone for the replies. I think Grinity might have hit on a good solution for me -- I might ask my pediatrician if he'll ask for it. Then I don't have to pay for further assessment, and I don't have to deal with this woman any further. I *might* ask our principal to look into it further for me too, but she's a little clueless on this stuff, so I'm guessing nothing will come of it (but she is our building 504 administrator, so wouldn't that mean she's supposed to?).

I repeatedly question whether or not this is even something I really need. As I mentioned in my original post, I am partly pursuing it just because I'm annoyed that I've been pushed off (I got no reply to my first attempts to get it from her, I had to reach out the the principal to get any email response). What are your thoughts - is this actually important information to know? I'm dealing with a kiddo with pretty large score scatter (verbal of 150 - with 19s on two subtests - but a processing speed score of 97); is it going to make much difference to find out if its an even broader scatter than what I already know? We don't get any GT type services, nothing is offered here, so the score being higher isn't going to help us with anything. The testing was completed as part of a full eval that was targeted at determining other issues (specifically sensory processing), so they don't 'care' that he tests as gifted.