I will cross post this in the regions forum, but does anyone know anything about the laws in MA regarding providing full test results? DS8 was tested last year at school, and qualified for the extended norms on the verbal section of his WISC. But the school psychologist will not give me the raw scores, saying: "Unfortunately, raw data cannot be provided as they would violate
issues of test confidentiality."

Test confidentiality? Confidential to the parents of a minor? Huh? I know from someone who received an email "accidentally" (talk about violating issues of confidentiality!) that this isn't the first time she's been difficult about giving parents test scores (I don't know what the scores requested were in the other instance, just that it was an similar situation - and that she was quite rude in the email to boot).

Honestly, I don't know if this is even worth pursuing, but I'm so annoyed from my repeated attempts to get the info that I'm feeling like I don't want to let it drop :-) I guess knowing that his VCI is likely above what is stated is enough, but at the same time, I also feel like I should have as much information as I can and as accurate a picture of my son as I work to figure out what is best for him education wise (he's a 2e kid with a huge disparity in his scores).

But before I push any further, I want to know if I have a leg to stand on here...
