Thank you all so much!

I feel like I'm riding a rollercoaster and today was a really good day.

I had a good 45min talk with the school psych who said she'd never seen a 60pt spread and began strategizing with me openly about getting an emergency 504 in place (with the import of getting the classroom teacher to take his needs more seriously about which SHE seemed frustrated and concerned). We have a 6wk wait to get the full written report and recommendations from the NeuroPsych so she wants to get the 504 in place in a single meeting as soon as she can pull the team.

Then she says we should use the 6wk wait to get the.... oh what do you call the observations of how the disabilities are affecting school?? What ever that is called, she wants to do a few of those--one for each of his issues. That would get everything in place for an IEP meeting in about 6wks to cover his needs more completely.

She seemed very interested and open to the NP's recommendations and specifically that he be placed at his cognitive level with support for his disabilities. SHE brought up assistive technologies like Dragon Speak herself and made notes about starting him on some ATs.

She is genuinely fascinated and impressed with my child and is also the lead for all 504/IEP plans in the school. She seems to be taking up his cause!

She even thanked me for how understanding I have been of their constraints and told me how lucky my son is to have me for a mother.

Somebody pinch me because this is like a dream response to get from public school. I am feeling phenomenally blessed by this answer to our prayers and I really hope I have a school that is willing to flex along with my very unusual child and his needs.

I'm going to start a new post but the school psych wants a checklist of accommodations for the 504 and seems to be open to those coming from me.