Originally Posted by deacongirl
I hated that article--it was poorly written and poorly argued. I have a kid who is HG, and a kid with Down syndrome. Before we moved there was no way the public school would meet either of their needs, and while I strongly believe in supporting public schools I further believe my first obligation is to my kids. So...yeah. I am not worried about pleasing people who share her opinion.


Oh my goodness, YES.

Some people have the time, energy and inclination to advocate with sufficient... er... tenacity/determination/emphasis-- to affect change in a local school system-- and some DO NOT.

I don't judge people who opt (for reasons particular to their own family and selves) to walk away instead. Everyone has a "walk away" point. It is just that only people at the edges of the distribution tend to get pushed past those points.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.